The City Council of the City of Blue Mound will hold a Regular City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2019 in the City Hall Council Chambers at 301 Blue Mound Road at 6:30 P.M. Up to the First Thirty Minutes of the Meeting will be a Public Work Session for Staff Briefing and Council Discussion of Agenda Items Listed Below:
1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance /
Invocation / Announcements - Mayor Hooks
2. Citizens
Participation (Limit to 3 Minutes – Complete Speakers request form and Submit
to City Secretary before start of meeting)
3. Citizens Participation by Dave King to
Request that the Variance for Detached Dwelling be Denied and Dwelling be
Dismantled or Moved
4. Discuss and Consider Contract with Lee
Williams, PE. From HALFF Engineering
5. Discuss and Consider Contract with McCreary
Veselka, Bragg and Allen, “MVBA”, to Collect Delinquent Municipal Court Fines
and Fees
6. Discuss and Consider Departmental Monthly
Reports for October, 2019
A. Police calls, arrests, and warrants totals
B. Fire - local and mutual aid calls and
training totals
Municipal Court and Animal Control
D . Library - visitors, books and materials
loaned totals
Community center - visitors, events, and activities totals
F. Public Works
G. Code Enforcement
7. Discuss and Consider Approval of October,
2019 Accounts Payable
8. Discuss and Consider Purchase of (8) Fire
Air-Pak X3 Replacements
9. Discuss and Consider iwerk-Texas Software
Solutions and Updates the City Needs to be Compliant with State Regulations
10. Discuss and Consider the Purchase of Tyler’s
Incode Software, Services and Support. Presentation by Kirk Cunningham
11. Discuss and Consider Financial Agreement with
Government Capital for the Purchase of Incode and Updates for Software, Services
and Support, and Purchase of 8 Fire Air-Pak X3 Pro, in the Amount of $262.000
to be Paid Over a Four or Five Year Period
12. Discuss and Consider to Adopt Resolution 19-09
Regarding a Financing Agreement for The Purpose of Procuring Software and
13. Discuss and Consider Approval of a Resolution Regarding
the City’s Vote(s) for Members of the Board of the Tarrant Appraisal District
14. Discuss and
Consider to Adopt Ordinance NO. 544 Appointing Dusty Steele as Chief of Police.
Oath of Office to Newly Appointed Chief, Administered by Mayor Hooks
15. Discuss and
Consider Approval to Cancel the December 17, 2019 Council Meeting
Discuss and Consider Parking Ordinance NO. 545 an
Ordinance City Council of Blue Mound, Texas Amending Article 12.04
“Parking”, of Chapter 12, “Traffic and Vehicles,” of the Code of Ordinances,
City of Blue Mound, Texas; Providing for Regulations of Parking Within the City
Limits; Providing A Cumulative Clause; Providing A Severability Clause;
Providing A Penalty for Violation; Providing a Savings Clause; Providing for
Publication; and Providing an Effective Date.
17. Discuss and Consider Approval of October 15,
2019 Meeting Minutes
18. Adjourn
Note: The City Council reserves the
right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this
meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by the Texas
Government Code, Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072
(Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and
Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security
Devices) and 551.087 (Economic Development).
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on City Hall Bulletin Board by Friday, November 15, 2019 at 5:00 P.M.
Donna Savage – City Secretary
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking space is available. Request for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary’s Office 817-232-0663 for further assistance.
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