Tuesday, July 10, 2018

07/16/18 ~ City of Blue Mound Council Meeting & Budget Workshop

The City Council of the City of Blue Mound will hold a Regular City Council Meeting & Budget Workshop on Monday, July 16th, 2018 in the City Hall Council Chambers, 301 Blue Mound Road at 7:00 p.m. for the following agenda:

1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Announcement - Mayor Hooks

2.      Citizens Participation

3.      Budget Workshop

4.      Review Yearly Records Management Compliance Report

5.      Discuss and Consider Resolution 18-10 Establishing an Inter-Jurisdictional Emergency Management Program

6.      Discuss and Consider Placing a Blessing Box in the City of Blue Mound

7.   Discuss and Consider Ordinance 526 Amending Section 12.03.041 (a)(3) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Blue Mound, Texas, Determining the Prima Facie Maximum Reasonable and Prudent Speed on Watauga Smithfield Road Shall be 30 Miles Per Hour; Authorizing the Mayor to Erect Signs Giving Notice of Such Speed Limit

8.      Discuss and Consider Ordinance 527 Amending the Code of Ordinances, City of Blue Mound, Texas, Amending the Definition of “Junked Vehicle” to Conform to State Statute

9.      Discuss and Consider Ordinance 528 Amending Water and Sewer Rates of the City for Categories of Users

10.  Discuss and Consider Departmental Monthly Reports for June, 2018

A.  Police calls, arrests, and warrants totals
B.  Fire local and mutual aid calls and training totals
C.  Library visitors, books and materials loaned totals
D.  Community center, visitors, events, and activities totals
E.  Public Works

11.  Discuss and Consider Approval of June, 2018 Accounts Payable

12.  Discuss and Consider Approval of June 18th, 2018 Meeting Minutes

13.  Adjourn


I hereby certify the above agenda was posted on City Hall Bulletin Board by 5:00 P.M., Friday, July 13th, 2018 

Kathryn Nour - City Secretary

This facility is wheel chair accessible and accessible parking space is Available.  Request for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting.  Please contact the City Secretary’s Office 817-232-0663 for further assistance.